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Do I need to spend a fortune on toothpaste?

The market for toothpaste products in the UK last year was a staggering 541 million pounds so are we all buying expensive toothpaste when we do not need to? If we believe the many advertising campaigns that bombard our TV screens then we need to buy a toothpaste that whitens and protects our teeth,...

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Finding a local dentist that you can trust

Looking after your teeth is vitally important and alongside good dental hygiene regular visits to the dentist should be a priority if you want to avoid dental problems in the future. A few years ago, it was exceedingly difficult to find an NHS dentist who was taking on new patients, but this has now...

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Sedatives for Nervous Dental Patients

Many patients are very nervous about going to the dentist and may need some support from their dentist to help make the experience better. Sedatives can really help these types of patients, and an IV sedative can be just what they need to get through a stressful treatment such as a root canal treatment...

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Dental Check-Ups – What do they Look for?

It can seem all too easy to put off your regular dental check-up, or even to miss it altogether. Too many people in the UK think that a dental check-up isn’t an essential part of their dental care, and will end up neglecting their oral health. Don’t be tempted to do this, as it’s...

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Dental Implants and Oral Hygiene

Dental implants are permanent replacements for teeth that are missing or loose and need to be taken out. They are one of the most realistic options you can pick to replace teeth, but importantly, they are also one of the most hygienic. Removable options can be removed to be cleaned, but they have more...

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Children’s Dentistry: a Healthy Start in Life

Looking after children’s teeth will help give them the healthy start in life that they need. Dental treatments for children begin with good examinations on a regular basis, ensuring that teeth are in good health and everything is looking as it should. Dentists can then provide treatments where needed for plaque, decay and chipped/damaged...