Smaller alterations, big changes

One thing people can be guilty of is trying to revolutionise their way of life. They take one aspect, say fitness, conclude that they’re not fit enough and decide to make some changes. That is all well and good, and to be commended, but it is how they go about that change that can cause problems. People start to make sweeping changes; changes to diet, 2 hour workouts every single day and expect their bodies and minds (which aren’t used to that level of work) to take to it and accept it straight away.
Naturally it will not happen. The body and the mind will always look for the easiest route, and the most comfortable. So you need to sneak these changes past yourself. Instead of aiming for a detox diet, sneak green tea into your morning routine instead of coffee. Go for a 20 minute walk to the shops and back instead of driving, maybe throw in 10 minutes of stretching in yoga? All of these little changes will stick and allow you to continue to build on it.